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UNIDAD 4 - ¿A dónde vas?
Homework before Day #1: Flipped Classroom Video & Notes
- Watch the video.
- Make sure to take notes as you go.
- Make sure to pause and practice for each comprehension check.
Day #1 - el 27 y el 28 de abril
Day #5 - el 7 y el 8 de mayo
Day #2 - el 29 y el 30 de abril
HW: Use all of the QUIZLET cards below to practice before next class!
If you think you're really good at all of this already, try the test function first! If you get less than a 90%, go back and do the cards! If you are struggling, start with the first set and work your way down the list! Day #3 - el primer dia de mayo y el 4 de mayo
Day #4 - el 5 o el 6 de mayo
HW - Watched the flipped classroom below and take notes! You might have a comprehension check (i.e. quiz) next class!)